These are some of the power tools for optimal health that Dr Anton speaks about. Contact us for a more comprehensive list of topics.

Lose weight, keep it off, and don't torture yourself doing it!
So you’ve heard it all, tried them all and spent a sizable chunk of your life savings on quick-fix weight-loss pills, none of which really helped you. And you’re still sitting with all, if not more, of your weight! Dr Anton has taken years of research and practical experience and shaped it into a weight-loss philosophy and protocol that not only works, it helps you to keep the weight off for good! You’ll feel great!

Lift your mood with food. Overcome anxiety and have more resilience!
According to Dr Anton, stress is good. Think about it, no building or large project will ever be completed if it wasn’t for some pressure. The problem lies with stress turning into anxiety. Because of anxiety, most people will have reduced resilience to deal with life. In this informative session Dr Anton shares tried and tested ways to increase resilience.

Supplements, making sense out of the information overload
Confused about which supplements, if any, you should buy? Even more confused when you’re faced with vast shelves filled with supplements in gigantic health shops? In this session Dr Anton makes things simple by outlining some nutritional supplements that really make the grade and how the average family can afford this needed boost.

According to Dr Anton very few people ever mange to utilise the full potential of their brain. In this seminar Dr Anton draws from years of experience in the treat-ment of people with concentration problems, ADD, ADHD and mood disorders to deliver life-changing information on brain optimization. The session is structured to empower the listener with practical tools which can be applied immediately.

Exercise is going to save your life – now you can do it without even thinking about it!
Moving from one point to another has been the saving grace of societies for generations. Yes, that does sound strange, but the point is that if you move enough you will be healthier – that is if you can get around the convenience offered by your car and the ‘sit-down-all-day’ job you have! In this motivating session Dr Anton creates needed excitement about the joys of movement and how any person can make this a reality in their lives.

Feeling tired and fatigued has become common-place in our modern world and the remedies and snake oils for this problem have increased proportionately. In this ‘energetic’ session Dr Anton explores the facets of energy production in the human body and how people can really kick-start the process to a life filled with vitality.

If you think you’ve heard everything about HIV then think again! Dr Anton uses this opportunity to educate his audience on how to boost the ability of one’s body to fight infection.

Probiotics. A breakthrough to use now!
One of the most significant breakthroughs in natural health has been the use of probiotics or ‘healthy bacteria’ for the intestine. Amidst the confusion that already exists about this topic Dr Anton gives his audiences a practical approach on how probiotics can change their lives!

Dr Anton has had the privilege of sharing a message of hope to several audiences about the issue of breast cancer. This seminar analysis the most recent advances in breast cancer diagnosis but places specific emphasis on the amazing discoveries in breast cancer and general cancer prevention using food and nutritional supplements.

The super mineral that will revolutionise your health!
This seminar outlines the amazing story of magnesium and how taking the right dose and format of this super mineral can prevent and treat common conditions including chronic fatigue syndrome, migraine, hypertension, anxiety, allergies, diabetes and osteoporosis.